The Who, What, and Why of Incentives:
Generally speaking, incentives typically come in the form of some type of reward for an action you take to reduce your energy use. It can be in the form of free products, money back for purchases you make, as sharing of the costs by the utility companies, and in order ways.
*For example, with the Direct Install Program, you get a free energy analysis of the facility and free replacement equipment or products (include installation) when you use new, energy-efficient technologies such as fluorescent lighting, refrigeration measures, LED Exit signs, and so on.
*Under the Express Efficiency Program, rebates pay for some or all of the costs associated with installing higher efficiency equipment.
*The California Solar Initiative offers cash incentives on systems for solar-produced electricity. When combined with federal tax incentives, these incentives can cover up to 50% of the total cost of a solar installation.
*The Standard Performance Contract (SPC) program offers financial incentives to offset the cost of installing high efficiency equipment or systems. Incentives can be as much as 50% of the total for each installed measure, and are based on the type of measure, and are based on the type of measure and the kWh saved over a 12-month period.
Purpose of Benefits
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) plays a key role in making California a national and international leader on a number of energy-related initiatives and policies designed to benefit consumers, the environment, and the economy.
The overarching goal of the incentive programs is to foster energy efficiency-reducing the amount of energy we consume without having a negative impact on the way we live or do business, reducing or eliminating the need to build new power plants, avoid energy blackouts, etc.
Who benefits from participating in these programs? We all do-as individuals, as businesses, the state of California, and our country.
At your home and your business, you can save energy, money, and the environment by participating in SCE's various rebate and incentives programs-helping the state move towards a cleaner energy future.
Over time, we will all realize the benefits associated with reduced energy demand and usage. Some of specifics that the CPUC anticipates accomplishing include:
**Prevent the need to build three additional conventional fire power plants, yielding net saving of $2.7 billion, a two-to-one return on investment.
**Cut energy costs for homes and businesses by more than $5 billion.
**Reduce global warming by an estimated 3.4 million tons of carbon dioxide, which is equivalent to taking about 650,000 cars off the road.